Tooth loss is a common problem caused by untreated periodontal disease, traumatic injury, or dental neglect. If you lose multiple teeth, it can compromise your ability to smile with confidence or bite and chew as normal. For generations, the Center For Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery has provided safe, effective, patient-centered tooth replacement options, including full arch restoration using the state-of-the-art All-on-4® method.

The Benefits

Our approach to full arch restoration involves secure custom prostheses attached to a minimal number of strategically placed implants. This approach offers several benefits, including:

  • Greater cost-effectiveness than patchwork dentistry.
  • Longevity of your results.
  • Abbreviated surgery and recovery times.
  • Results that look completely natural.
  • No need to damage healthy teeth.

Ideal Candidates

The best candidates for full arch restoration:

  • Missing multiple teeth or requiring many tooth extractions.
  • Have sufficient jawbone or are willing to have a bone graft.
  • Are in good health overall, with no untreated periodontal diseases.
  • Spoken with an oral surgeon and have realistic expectations.

What is Involved in the Process?

Your full arch restoration treatment will begin with a consultation, during which your surgeon will take panoramic X-rays, evaluate your teeth and jaw, and discuss a potential treatment plan. This will also allow you to go over payment and insurance details.

You will be placed under anesthesia for the treatment itself, ensuring your comfort while the surgery is performed. Full arch restoration is performed with minimal dental implants strategically placed to support a dental prosthesis.

Types of Replacement Options

Lower Teeth

There are several full arch restoration options if you are missing your lower teeth. These include:

Ball Attachment Denture 

This method involves two implants placed in the lower jaw, with a denture snapped on top.

Bar Attachment Denture 

The bar attachment method involves placing four to six dental implants strategically, then an overdenture on top.

Screw Retained Denture 

This approach involves a denture secured in place using a small number of implants and a few small screws.

Individual Implants

We can also use individual implants to replace each missing tooth, which is the best approach if you want to replicate the appearance of teeth naturally growing through the gums.

Upper Teeth

Our surgeons also have proven track records restoring teeth in the upper jaw. We offer a couple of approaches:

Implant Retained Upper Denture

Supporting a denture with implants means you will have a natural appearance and nothing covering the roof of your mouth.

Individual Upper Implants

We can also use individual implants to replace each missing tooth, which is the best approach if you want to replicate the appearance of teeth naturally growing through the gums. This may involve anywhere from six to 10 total implants.

Recovery Phase

Following your full arch restoration process, you can walk out of our practice with a beautiful, natural-looking set of teeth. You should also expect mild pain, swelling, bleeding, and bruising around the corners of your mouth. While every patient is different, most find recovery takes a week to 10 days.

You’re in Good Hands with Us

We can restore you to a confident smile and normal dental functionality with full arch restoration. To find out more about our legacy of exceptional patient care, contact the Center For Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery to schedule a consultation.